3D floor projection, interactive floor, interactive floor projection

Interactive Floor Systems – The Latest Trend in Advertising

Interactive Floor Projection is the best way to engage customers as it converts open spaces available on the floor into an interactive experience. By using a combination of hardware and software, these systems are the perfect way to keep the customer interested in your content without boring them. It could be a perfect fit in any spaces such as shopping malls, business centers, and museums. Apart from building structures, you could also have them at any events such as a wedding, fairs or business expos.

3D Projection Mapping

Why Choose Interactive Floor Projections?

One of the main reasons these projection systems are attracting audiences is because they have unlimited options to create three-dimensional content. Another advantage of using interactive systems is that it can be customized depending on the users such as kids or adults. These can be used as a learning tool for children as it is interactive and it allows the children to enjoy the process of learning too.

How Interactive Surfaces Work?

To understand how these surfaces work, consider all the interactive surfaces that are capable of transforming into interactive screens for people to interact, engage and entertain. The entertainment provided could be in the form of images or objects or patterns. Infrared cameras are embedded in them to recognize any movement on the floor. This way whenever a person moves, the object or image also moves in accordance with their movements providing the user with a fantastic experience.


Apart from interacting with a person, it also allows two people to interact with each other. It is one of the important features that make interactive floor projections the best technology for games and sportsperson. It allows players to interact with each other by creating a virtual environment. The three-dimensional effects make the experience almost real for the visitors.

Why Interactive Screens are the Best Way to Advertise?

Advertising is one of the common areas where interactive screens are used the most. There are so many benefits associated with advertising using these screens:

  • Creates an amazing experience for the customers
  • Feedback for the advertisements can be noticed
  • Has the ability to convey a large amount of information without monotony
  • Unlimited customizations on the design and interactive elements
  • Simple installation that does not require any special equipment
    Compact size
  • Suitable for most of the locations such as office spaces and business centers

Regardless of the usage, interactive screens have generated a lot of interest in being different from the usual hoardings and other forms of advertisements. By using the latest technology, engage users for a complete visual treat and generate more leads for your business.

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