
How Can 3D Video Projection Mapping Spread Brand Awareness?

Today with so many technological advancements the power of visual imagery is stronger like never before. Many brands are using 3D projection mapping as a means of spreading awareness about their products or services to a large number of people in the shortest possible time. Why? This superior software technology can make a powerful impression in the minds of viewers, enabling a brand to quickly and effectively get their message across, such that it is remembered long afterwards. Continue reading “How Can 3D Video Projection Mapping Spread Brand Awareness?”


Get the Maximum Marketing Power for Your Brand with Interactive Floors

Powerful marketing strategies bring about expected results in sales and product promotion. Today technology has revolutionized the marketing world through innovative devices and gadgets that aid in attracting attention of target audience quickly and in a strong way. Interactive Floors in one such technology and it can be used to effectively market a brand’s products or services to a vast audience in minutes. Continue reading “Get the Maximum Marketing Power for Your Brand with Interactive Floors”


Multi-Touch Video Wall – Make a Strong Brand Impression to Gain High Sales

Today’s consumers are very well aware of what they want when they come across any product or service in the market. With so many similar types of products available in the market, what they seek is a product that stands out from the rest due to a fabulous quality, highlighted by effective promotional techniques. Continue reading “Multi-Touch Video Wall – Make a Strong Brand Impression to Gain High Sales”